Editorial Advisors
Prof Amitai Etzioni, George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA
Prof Wahiduddin Mahmud, International Growth Centre, LSE, UK
Roy H Grieve, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Prof John Komlos, University of Munich, Munich, Germany 
Chris Macrae, Youth Network Mapmaker, Washington, DC, USA
Prof Christopher J Berry, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Prof Luisa Brunori, University of Bologna, Italy
Prof Gavin Kennedy, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
Sam Daley-Harris, Civic Courage, Washington, DC, USA
Jean-Luc Perron, Centre Yunus Paris, France
Dr Dinesh Awasthi, Lok Jagruti Kendra University, Gujrat, India
Gordon Dryden, Learning Revolution, Auckland, New Zealand

Dr Zasheem Ahmed
Global Institute for New Economics (GIfNE), Glasgow, UK

Lead Editors
Dr Beatriz Armendariz, University College London, London, UK
Dr Hossain Zillur Rahman, PPRC, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Prof Warner Woodworth, Brigham Young University, UT, USA

Review Editors
Prof John Struthers, University of the West of Scotland, UK
Prof Anne M DeBruin, Massey University, New Zealand
Prof Jeff Young, St Lawrence University, New York, USA
Dr Robbie Mochrie, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
Dr David Jordan, Seven Hills Foundation, Worcester, MA, USA

Consulting Editors
Prof Robert Wright, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Heribert Genreith, Ifara Institute, Switzerland
Prof Brian Loasby, University of Stirling, Scotland, UK
Prof Boris Braun, Cologne University, Germany
Dr Craig Smith, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Production Editors
Dr Reiner Blank, Blank Consulting UmbH, Hamburg, Germany
Dr Kazem Falahati, Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland, UK
Mishu Afroz Ahmed, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
Dr Samuel Touboul, HEC Paris, Paris, France

Youth Futures Sub-Editors
Sania Wadud, Curtin University, Perth, Australia
Robbie Marwick, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Monica Jahangir, Pantheon Sorbonne University, Paris, France

Promotion and Networking Advisers
Rabeya Yasmin, Chars Livelihoods Program, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Amol Deshmukh, Hatmill Ltd, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Sandra Chevret, ISG Paris, Paris, France
Dr Hadikatul J A Mahmuda, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Georgina E Allen, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Fiona McNeill, Reely Jiggered, Gourock, Scotland, UK

Technical & Social Media Editor
Shakh Mehedi, Amin Tech Ltd, Glasgow, UK

Distribution Advisers
Andrew Walsh, The OAK Network, London, UK
John Riley, Glasgow University Union, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

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© Copyright 2021 - The Centre for Development (CfD), Scotland